
Bid on a lifetime address and be awesome, forever.

If you like but donโ€™t like paying for stuff annually, weโ€™ve got a deal for you. The sparkly auctions below could be your ticket to enjoying the service indefinitely without worrying about renewals ever again. Thatโ€™s genuine internet luxury!

There are no active auctions. Keep an eye out here for info on the next one!

Here are the past auctions:

Birthday Lifetime Address #1

Choose a brand new lifetime address (check availability here) or convert your existing address to lifetime status.

Current Bid


Total Bids

22 history

High Bidder


Bidding is closed for this item. Congrats to the winner!

Birthday Lifetime Address #2

Choose a brand new lifetime address (check availability here) or convert your existing address to lifetime status.

Current Bid


Total Bids

18 history

High Bidder


Bidding is closed for this item. Congrats to the winner!

Birthday Lifetime Address #3

Choose a brand new lifetime address (check availability here) or convert your existing address to lifetime status.

Current Bid


Total Bids

8 history

High Bidder


Bidding is closed for this item. Congrats to the winner!

Birthday Lifetime Address #4

Choose a brand new lifetime address (check availability here) or convert your existing address to lifetime status.

Current Bid


Total Bids

17 history

High Bidder


Bidding is closed for this item. Congrats to the winner!

Birthday Lifetime Address #5

Choose a brand new lifetime address (check availability here) or convert your existing address to lifetime status.

Current Bid


Total Bids

8 history

High Bidder


Bidding is closed for this item. Congrats to the winner!

The Process

Bidding is processed via email, because email is great! To place a bid, follow the instructions beneath each item.

Our auctioneer robot will swiftly open your email, process your bid, and reply with a confirmation message. If you donโ€™t receive the confirmation message (check your spam/junk!), you can refresh this page to see if the current high bid matches your bid amount. If it doesnโ€™t, your bid wasnโ€™t recorded (email The auctioneer robot wonโ€™t accept bids from senders whose email messages donโ€™t pass SPF/DKIM/DMARC. (Need a mail service that will always pass?)

If youโ€™re outbid, weโ€™ll send an email to let you know. Just in case, though, you should probably check in on this page periodically to monitor the high bid amount for your item. If it winds up higher than what you previously bid, youโ€™ve been outbid!

When the auction ends, youโ€™ll be notified via email and provided with an invoice. Please pay the invoice! If you donโ€™t pay it within 72 hours, weโ€™ll offer the item to the second-highest bidder at their high bid amount.

Good luck, and happy bidding!

Auction Rules

Please donโ€™t bid unless you intend to pay the amount that you bid.

We may follow up on suspicious bids. We may also remove bids if weโ€™re unable to verify them.

Sniping isnโ€™t fun for anyone, so please donโ€™t do that. While we appreciate all bids, nobody likes losing out on something because someone waltzed in at the last second to place their bid. Legitimate bidding wars can happen at the end of an auction, sure, but if you want to participate in one of those you should start it at a time that gives others an opportunity to place their own counter-bids.

If you made a mistake with your bid and need it removed or cancelled, please contact right away.

Finally, and most importantly, have fun!

Whatโ€™s up with the emoji for high bidders?

To protect privacy, we create a hash of email addresses using the Unicode v15.0 set. (In plain English, we turn your email address into an emoji.) You can tell which emoji is yours by looking at the bid history and matching it with an amount that you have bid. You can keep your emoji private or tell others about it (but be careful, it canโ€™t be changed!).

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Contact at any time.